Appco Marketing India continues to achieve great success across the country in all its divisions. The year 2011 brought huge growth for the company especially in the month of October. It was a record breaking month for Appco Group India with over 60,000 sales completed and growth of 29.10% in just a month's span.
Every Division contributed to the large sales average, with the Charity and Entertainment Divisions standing out in particular. Meanwhile, Pune and Nagpur were integral to the success of the Telco Division. The consistent growth of the two locations has helped to boost sales of Airtel in particular.
A significant highlight was the progress of the new office in Baroda City. Its team of eleven guys showed exceptional progress. Another new addition followed in the same vein in an effort to keep up with its peers. The Insurance Division, although new, witnessed phenomenal growth at 64.03%. There is currently a tide of emerging leaders sweeping through the country. Seven Assistant Managers are gearing up for their promotions. These include three in Charity, three in Reliance Big TV and one in Telco.
Appco Group India has shown that it takes more than just a well-known brand to succeed. In particular, they have displayed the self-determination and consistency that leads to growth and high-quality sales.